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Solo travel with costly photography equipment — Il forum di Fotocontest

Attrezzatura fotografica

Solo travel with costly photography equipment


Hello, everyone! I have a question for single (long-term) travelers who travel with their photography equipment: how do you manage it? Alternatively, why don't you do it. I just can't figure out a suitable and safe method to bring my gear + laptop, which will cost roughly € 8000, all in one (or two) backpacks, especially while I'm alone ... The exact location is yet unclear , but the chances are good that it will be in Southeast Asia. Do you have any thoughts or experiences you'd like to share? It is greatly appreciated!
2 anni fa 


@RedazioneFotocontest  pure questo è spam?
2 anni fa  
OlimpionicoModeratoreGuruTerminatorGiudice medio


Sembra di si, ho rimosso il link (che comunque non andava). L'utilità di certi spam mi è tuttora ignota :D
2 anni fa